
  1. Each week, a 350-word contribution to a collectively authored wiki note set on a concept in the A-level reading for that week’s session, to be completed no later than 12 hours before our weekly seminar meeting, except when you are delivering a position or response paper (in which case the latter is your only assignment for the session). You are free to skip one of these weekly assignments without effect on my evaluation of your performance.

  2. One 750-word position paper on an A-level reading, to be prepared, posted in the wiki (simply edit the appropriate child page under Position papers) no later than 36 hours before our weekly seminar meeting, and verbally presented during that seminar meeting.

  3. One 500-word response, as designated respondent to a position paper. To be prepared, posted as a comment on the position paper no later than 12 hours before our weekly seminar meeting, and verbally presented during that seminar meeting.

  4. After the conclusion of our reading sessions, substantive and proportionate contributions to a collectively authored textbook-style working paper (written using the child pages of the wiki page Working paper, first; subsequently, edited using our site equipped with the CommentPress plugin) that will preserve our discussions for future use in your comprehensive exam preparation and dissertation planning.

  5. A brief abstract serving to introduce one of the major divisions of this collectively authored working paper.