
Yammer group

  • I’d like us to use the Yammer group, rather than email, for discussion of course logistics (technical matters, course requirements, and so on). So, please post any questions about such matters there. If there’s something you’d like to communicate to me non-publicly, then feel free to use email for that (though do remember that email is neither a technically nor a legally private medium).


  • The first three requirements comprise the first 51% of your course grade. The final two requirements comprise the second 49% of your course grade.

  • To post your position paper late is to prevent your respondent from meeting her obligations, as well. (Blame settles on the author of the position paper, in such cases. I won’t hold you responsible for someone else’s contretemps.)

Office hours/ appointments

While the Burrowes Renovation Project is underway, office hours are held by appointment only in Webster’s Bookstore Café. Use my Calendly page to view availability and request an appointment.

Privacy and content preservation

  • The content of both the wiki and the sites.psu.edu site is visible to no one but current members of the seminar (that is, it is a restricted access space, accessible to no one else at Penn State or outside Penn State).

  • After the semester ends, you will all remain authorized editors of both the wiki and the sites.psu.edu site, and will be welcome to participate virtually in future iterations of this seminar, as well as to restrict access to your individually contributed content (position papers and responses) or delete it entirely, if you wish.

Weekly note assignments

  • The weekly note assignments are meant to help guide your reading, providing a single point of focus. So, if you’re assigned to a note on Innis and the topic “time,” then follow that topic closely as you read.

Wiki editing

  • Edit the content you contribute to the wiki as you see fit; but please do not edit the pages’ titles: we want them to remain uniform for linking and sorting.

  • If you all try to edit a wiki page at the same time (for example, if you all start working on an assignment on the evening of the deadline), you may have to manage edit conflicts. (See Concurrent Editing and Merging Changes.) Especially when you are adding original content to a wiki page for the first time (rather than editing page content that is already there), avoid composing your text directly in the wiki editor itself. Rather, compose your text using a text editor or word processor (and save it among your own personal files), then paste it into the wiki editor. Familiarize yourself, as well, with your Drafts archive, to which Confluence will save documents you are editing, at a default interval of thirty seconds. (See Working with Drafts.)

  • If in any given week you should end up doing any writing about the session readings that goes beyond the assignment protocols (that is, the notes, position paper, or response), and want to share it with the seminar, the wiki blog is probably the most convenient way to do that.